The IPP4B workshop was held as part of the TVX2017 conference, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 14th -16th June 2017

In-Programme Personalisation for Broadcast: IPP4B

Personalised Broadcast
Background to the workshop:
The growing demand for personalisation provides endless research, development and innovation opportunities for academics and industry. Personalisation is usually interpreted as the generation of personalised playlist, programme guide, product placement and advertising for viewers. However the notion explored in this workshop is the personalisation of audio, video and data elements within the broadcast programme which we are calling In-Programme Personalisation.

Consequently, the IPP4B workshop focussed on the automatic personalisation of the streamed content. The likely technology to support these features is object-based media where audio, video and other elements may be placed into existing media and be rendered for consumption by the end viewer.

In-Programme Personalisation is a radical innovation for broadcast media, where network content can be personalised according to the viewer profiles. However, there are many challenges to face. The workshop explored both the technical issues of In-Programme Personalisation for Broadcast, also the market and production of content.

A community of interest needs to be realized in order that best practice, concerted development and standardisation are appropriately addressed in the industry.

Presentations given at the IPP4B Workshop (with links)



09.15 - KEYNOTE
Prof. Marian Ursu, University of York, UK:
Why don't we yet have in-programme personalisation?

Mike Armstrong, BBC R&D, UK
Progress towards creating workflows for object-based media at BBC R&D

10.30 - Coffee Break


11.00 - MORNING SESSION 2 - Papers Session

André Regado, Alexandre Ulisses, Miguel Poeira and Pedro Santos; MOG Technologies, Portugal
New Cloud Services for Product Placement in Television

Bruno Veloso, Juan Burguillo, University of Vigo, Spain; Benedita Malheiro, ISEP/Polytechnic of Porto, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal; Jeremy Foss, Birmingham City University UK
On-Line Feature-Based User and Item Profiling

Serdar Aydin, Marc Aurel Schnabel, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
The Museum of Gamers and Online/TV Interaction




Mohamed Ibrahim, Ali El Essaili, Thorsten Lohmar, Ericsson Research, Germany; Aurelien Revault D'allonnes Ericsson Broadcast Solutions, France
TV Graphics Personalization Using In-Band Events

Sara Kepplinger, Fraunhofer IDMT, Germany
The Quality Taxonomy for Scalable Algorithms of (Free Viewpoint Video Objects)

Jeremy Foss, Birmingham City University UK; Benedita Malheiro, ISEP/Polytechnic of Porto, INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal;
In-Programme Personalisation Solutions and Architectures

Powerpoint presentation here


In-Programme Personalisation approaches, questions, discussion.

This was a round table discussion. The report is here

The overview of the workshop is given in this paper, prepared by the organisers and published in the TVX2017 proceedings.


Invitation to Participation in IPP4B

Following the workshop there is sufficient and growing interest in the subject of In-Programme Personalisation and apaptation.

We are currently looking into the potential for forming a community of interest, i.e. a special interest group.

An interest group would span the range of stakeholders from creatives and story-tellers, production workflow personnel, distribution platforms, etc. 


The group would likely address promotion of the various aspects of in-programme personalisation, technically and user-facing. More details will be given on this as plans emerge.

If you are interested in such an interest group, please contact me at, or any of the other organisers (listed below).




Organising Committee

The IPP4B workshop was organised by a committee drawn from the broadcasting industry and academia closely related to the industry. Biographies of the committee members and information their organisations are given here.

Alexandre Ulisses, MOG Technologies, Portugal
Mike Armstrong, BBC R&D, UK
Ben Shirley, University of Salford, UK.

Benedita Malheiro, Polytechnic of Porto and INESC TEC, Portugal.
Jeremy Foss, Birmingham City University, UK.
Sara Kepplinger, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology, IDMT, Germany

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